Anyone remember the days before bells and whistles!



I like her expression. Wondering if the wallpaper was the right choice for that rug. He, of course, is oblivious.

As far as lamp cords goes, 14 gauge was still good stuff even in the 80s when I ran it under subfloors and in walls in a house I built. I've since rewired but I'm still stuck with it in the living room, supplied from another room, and it still sounds good. 

I think she's thinking about re-upholstering the speaker to match those groovy drapes.

I would not be surprised if that Quad mono system sounded better than some of the stuff produced today…

Yeah, I said that.

The wife is taking a glimpse into the future and comes to the realization that this may be "the good ol' days" when SHE still owned most of the Living Room -- before stereo, garden hose sized speakers cables, acoustical panels, paragraphic frequalizers, hundreds of albums, and "accessories."  The present day sweet aroma of pipe tobacco will also be replaced by the stingent smell of pot.  Fortunately (for her) his dream quickly dissipates when she utters 3 simple words: "Honey, we're pregnant!!"

Oh, yeah, when he mentioned he was getting "quads" she thought he bought a gym membership and was going to have a Jack LaLanne body.  You can imaging her disappointment? The look on her face says it all.