Anyone else excited for this Borresen subwoofer?!!!

It seems quite unique...(as one might expect from Michael B).

Borresen Subwoofer - Michael Borresen Interview




"Subwoofer speed"? Can't wait to see the speed o meter measurements. 

Their design reminds me of a small version of the Danley Labs Matterhorn semi truck trailer subwoofer project they made some time ago.

Their middle of the room positioning suggest -6dB sub-bass speakers?

Sensibly priced low frequency innovation is always welcome. All the best to the folks at Borresen.   


The DSL Matterhorn, as per the video, is actually a very large tapped horn which means both sides of the woofer cones are used for pressurization, so that the back wave of the cones build up down through the expanding horn path to the bottom of the container, and from there the horn path goes into a 180 degree turn to continue back towards to the container opening where the combined wave from both sides synchronizes with the front wave of the woofers at the "mouth." This is not what the Borresen sub is doing (i.e.: it only uses the front wave of the cone, added to the fact that it’s not horn-loaded), and the "velocity" rethorics to me reads more into merely creating a combined pressurization through the slot at the front. Lot of yada yada and hifi sensationalism if you ask me, but I actually like the approach being the multitude of smaller woofers will combine and act like a single, larger woofer, which to me is preferred route vs. several smaller, and spread out woofers.

It is a copy of the Sonos subwoofer and its very low end response below 30Hz will be limited although digital signal processing can improve this a little. The person speaking made one large mistake. He called the speaker a dipole. It is not a dipole, it is a bipole. With dipoles the rear wave is 180 degrees out of phase with the front wave. with Bipoles the rear wave is in phase with the front wave. Slot loading the drivers can produce impressive results. The problem with these enclosures is the four large side panels and the top and bottom will be difficult to control and will tend to resonate. It is certainly a design worth listening to. Like any subwoofer a 2 way crossover is required. I do not like smaller drivers trying to make low bass. They tend to have higher resonance frequencies which cuts off their response below and they are not in any way "faster" than larger drivers that do not have to work nearly as hard producing very low frequencies. The smaller driver tends to have higher distortion levels. There is no replacement for displacement. 

Subwoofers never fair better in the middle of the room. This is where their efficiency is lowest. Up against a wall you get 3dB better efficiency. In a corner 6dB better. This means lower levels of distortion. Some will say this increases room interaction, not if you use two or more subwoofers. If you form a line array with subwoofers you can minimize room interaction. My own feelings about the subject are here

@phusis ​​@mijostyn   All technical and sensationalist jargon aside...the simple ability to delay the mains, very easily accommodated in the multichannel or pro world to make life a whole lot easier...but, a freaking rarity in purist hifi.