Stax and Micro Seiki both produced Straight Arms, but not Zero Offset .
When looking at the Models it does seem a Zero Offset can be created, a little thought for a Headshells Cart' Mounting Mounting would be the ideal place to modify.
Both Stax and Micro Seiki has a removable Headshell of the Flag on a Flagpole Type.
There are simplistic alternative methods to attach a removable Headshell to the Wand that are a substantial improvement. The Zero Offset seems to make this as a option even easier to achieve.
As made known in other Threads, I am at some point in the future to be demonstrated a friends TA Design as a Underhung Geometry, with them producing a alternate Headshell for their TA.
There are Headshell designs in the following link that will attach to the Wand, these designs enable a rigidity not usually achievable from a Bayonet attachment, the ones in the link are much closer to a formed Headshell on the Wand
@mijostyn would make easy work of producing one of these alternate removable Headshells if the OD of the Wand is supplied. There will also be a need for getting over any confliction held with Underhung Geometry