Any owners of Schitt Bifrost 2?

I am in the market for a Schitt Dac. One of the main reasons why I am considering Schitt because they are upgradable.

Question is the Bifrost worth the money ? Or should I buy once and cry once and buy the Yggdrasil .

In the back of mind I am wondering is the Bifrost decent but nothing special like Prima Luma .




I have a Bitfrost 2/64 and I like it a lot. It's somewhat unique use of 4 chips to split the conversion chores allows it to perform way above its price. PS Audio recently came out with a similar architecture.

But it's not end game. I plan to upgrade in the near future but I expect to pay at least 4x the price for something better. That may be a Yggi or something else. 

But there's always something better and costlier. 

I, too, have the Bifrost 2. To me, it sounds great. I have 2 of them and Denafrips. I'm not a dog, so I can't hear everything, so it sounds great to me. Get it, enjoy it.

Using Bifrost 2 as a backup in times of repair or transition. It really sings for the price. Don't buy Yggy unless the DAC is the weak link in your current system.

I have the Bifrost II but recently upgraded to another US made DAC, the Geshelli Labs DAYZEE.  I recently insterted it into my system and I am incredibly impressed.  That isn't to say the Bifrost isn't a good product.