Upgrade to PS Audio Direcstream Mk1 and Mac Mini?

Looking at upgrading my digital sources and potentially getting a streamer.  My Mac Mini just died so I need to do something- I use that for streaming Roon and Qobuz. I am also reading the excellent reviews for the new PS Audio Direcstream Mk2. I have the Mk1. People have recommended Rose150B.  The Rose150B seems to be a great streamer, potentially not as good as a DAC as the PS Audio MK1/MK2 and not a great pre-amp.    If I added a pre-amp to my chain like the Lamm 2.1 would I see a material improvement in sound vs going "direct" via the DAC?    Trying to figure out, do I keep a mac mini type music server and upgrade to PS AudioDirectstream Mk2. Do I replace my PS Audio MK1 with a Rose150B or am I going to need a separate streamer and a separate DAC.  

My current system: 

PS AudioDirectStream DAC/Bridge2 - connected to MacMini music server running - using PS Audio device as pre-amp
Thiel 7.2 Speakers
Lamm M1.2 Monoblocks 



Ag insider logo xs@2xmwthorne

I like the MA3 much more than any of the PS Audio stuff. It's probably system dependent though. Definitely see if you can audition either or both in your own home, that's really the best way to go. If not, you probably won't have much trouble reselling either one if you end up not loving it. Both are popular and fairly in demand so your total cost of owning it for a few months should be pretty small if you decide to sell after that point. 

Thx @v-fi v-fi. I just purchased the Meitner MA3 DAC. I have contacted PS Audio to see if I can trial the new MK2 with Airlens versus this setup.  Things are coming together.  

I've enjoyed a Roon Nucleus Plus server, USB into my PS Audio DirectStream DAC, now the MK2 for several years now and highly recommend the combination.  Roon offers a Nucleus One for $499, I suspect it would sound awesome connected to your PS Audio DAC.

@mwthorne Nice, I hope you really enjoy it but also hope you get a chance to do the comparison.

I'm sort of mixed about the Airlens, not sure why as I'm usually fine with dedicated quality streamers even when they cost much more. But maybe since I got used to the DirectStream (original) with the built in Bridge streaming,  it seems weird to me that the newer one needs an outboard device for that. PS Audio will tell you the separates absolutely sound better but imho having it all integrated seems like a better approach for the end user. And if it doesn't sound as good then maybe that's a design/engineering problem.

In any case, please let us know your thoughts once you get the MA3, and especially if you end up with the PS Audio setup for comparison. Have fun!