Battle of the Older DAC

Would this be a simple choice for you?

Looking at upgrading my DAC and at similar price points have options of an Auralic Vega (2013) and a Schiit Yggdrasil OG A2 (2018?) 

I have heard the Auralic and it is impressive, but the reputation of the Yggy looks solid.

Would be keen to hear from anyone who has experience of both or if the choice is clearer that it appears to me.

As ever, would love to hear your thoughts.



And to answer the question that I missed above, budget would top out at USD 2k realistically. Came into this upgrade path wanting a new amp, but that is another story.


I have to disagree I think older Dacs can sound just fine and even really good. Older multibit chips seem all the rage and not much in the way of advances in power supplies or analog output stages so what really improved in the last 10 years? My Dac was built in 1995 and sounds fantastic.

@jond +1

These observations by Vlad, of Audio Mirror, make much sense.

OP: No DAC, by itself, is a silver bullet to fantastic SQ. It takes a system. And a system takes time to build. Stay within your budget. Take your time. And no - streaming is not simply 1’s & 0’s.


Most of us had a moment early on in the pursuit of high end audio where logic said something shouldn’t matter and the actual sonic difference was huge. It becomes clear that numbers and measurement only tell a very small part of the story. That’s when listening becomes the number one tool, and you spend lots of time honing it.

OP for around $2k put Bryston BDA-3 on your list. Also don’t shy away from the older PS Audio DSD DAC.