Amplifier recommendation

I have acquire a Acurus A150 amplifier a few month ago that powered a few speakers. They are my DIY Dayton speakers( was my first speakers for a while), Paradigm Mini Monitor v3 and now the new acquire Triangle BR03. The Triangle sound amazing with the A150 but I want to try another amp with similar specs. The two I was interested is the Bryston 3B SST or the Coda Model 11. The preamp is a Rotel RC995 which has balanced output to as well as RCA.

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What specific improvements are you looking for, and what’s your budget?  

Looks like you're looking at the same class of the amps as yours and even nearly same power. Just to listen to a different amp instead of current, then yes the sound maybe different, but will that be an upgrade not as significant I think, but Bryston is the best choice out of the ones you've listed. 

The Bryston is a light weight compared to the Coda. Hands down Coda all day long between these two amps.