Where to find record cleaning platter?

I have seen multiple times online where simple hand turned platters are sold for record cleaning manually,
Now when I am interested in getting one, I can’t seem to find any.

Would appreciate a source for a good quality model.


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@ticat What I'm looking for is specific for hand cleaning records and is already manufactured. 

I made mine from a a Lazy Suzan, it is a set up that is set slightly of vertical and a added Spindle penetrating through to the rear enables a Battery Drill to be attached.

I now have variable spin speed and a Clockwise / Anti clockwise rotation.

Another type of attached drill would give non-rotate pneumatic action, but I am yet to convince myself the action is a benefit, it would be more akin to a clean and massage wink     

+3 lazy susan, with cork mat here. Purchased a Empire spindle off of ebay & glued that right in. (center)