Integrated Amps

I'm debating whether to upgrade my Marantz integrated with a better performing and higher powered integrated or simply add a separate amp and use the Marantz as a pre-amp. I've looked at stepping up to the Marantz model 30 or 40n, PS Audio Stellar Strata, Music Fidelity M5si/M6si. But then the Heaven 11 Billie caught my eye.

Has anyone had any experience with the Heaven 11 Billie integrated amp? It's a hybrid class D amp w/ a tubed pre-amp. The reviews I've watched seem to give the unit high marks for sound quality, presentation, sound stage, and because of the tubed pre-amp, an analog warmth to the otherwise "cold" sound of a class D amp.



@bgross the new price is way out of my budget. But I would definitely go to Andover to listen to them, maybe they will have a used one.

Another brand to consider that clicks all your boxes is Emotiva. They have a full featured integrated that even has an FM tuner. 135/200 wpc into 8/4 ohm.

I bought the separates With a Pre (PT2) and amp (A2) that has all the features and a little more power, 160/250 wpc. The pre has FM, DAC, full (hi-lo) bass output management, mm/mc phono and headphone amp.

I know the brand doesn't get much love here, but they are definitely steps up from box store brands. Prices are lower because they are direct to consumer.

They have been trouble free for me and do an excellent job of driving my KEF R3 Metas.