Audio Aero Capitole Classic vs. Ayon CD-2

I want to know if anyone could compare the Audio Aero Capitole Classic (or other version) vs. the Ayon CD-2. Both have tubes and balanced outputs, that´s what I´m loocking for.
I will apreciate your opinions, experiences and suggests.
I have compared these two products side-by-side in a tube integrated based system with Gemme Audio Katana and LeHave Audio Angelus speakers. The Audio Aero is good without question, yet the Ayon CD2 wins out significantly on facilities, overall presentation of sonics and most importantly, PRICE ! Some of the well reviewed players are gonna need a re-design to meet the Ayons performance ans sonics at $5500 USD retail
Well I've heard the Ayon CD-2 as well. Not the Audio Aero but some other very fine players and I thought the Ayon was very good. The built in "pre" is also a bonus.
I've not listened to the Audio Aero, but I recently purchased the Ayon CD2, and I can say is WOW! It's like the musicians are right in the room with you. It's just a great piece of equipment, built like a tank, too.

One thing- if you want a tube CD player to do some tube rolling, don't get the Ayon. They use proprietary tubes, and tube rolling is NOT recommended.
I have a AA Capitol Classic SE and an Ayon CD-5. I have compared them side by side for several months.

I always like the AA better. It is smoother and has more air around the voices and instruments. It has a delicateness and a inner-soul that the Ayon does not have. True- the Ayon is slightly more dynamic and slightly more transparent- but not by much. The air of the AA and the rythmic musicality in my opinion are superior than the Ayon CD-5. I like it better overall
Your comments are interesting Tzvir. I just a-b-a tested this player against my CD-5 with another audiophile and I felt the AA was more rolled off & less extended, had a 'veil' over the music & had bloated midrange. We both agreed the Ayon had better soundstage and sounded more accurate and detailed. The AA was certainly rythmic, though to me instruments sounded more accurate on the Ayon. A cymbol sounded like a cymbol, a snare drum had palpability & an oboe in the right of stage sounded eerily believable and placed accurately within the stage. All will form different opinions based on their ear and system. This is just mine..