IsoAcoustics GAIA

I have IsoAcoustics GAIA II isolators installed on my Sonus faber Liuto floorstander speakers on hardwood floor. I expected some improvement and I got it. Bass is cleaned up and tightened. Stage became more clear because isolators removed a curtain made by unfocused, scattered bass. Floor and sofa vibrations almost disappeared completely. And... WAF is good. GAIAs passed my wife's inspection. Is there anybody with some experience regarding those isolators?


The ISO acoustic Gaia are pretty good but there's something that's even better called the Townshend podiums they isolate down to three Hertz and they stopped the vibrations from going into the floor and back into the speaker and your other equipment, people that have tried both have said that the Townshend podiums are on a whole different level better than the ISO acoustic Gaia they're not cheap but well worth it When I put them underneath my monitor audio platinum 200 G2 the sound improved to the point where I thought I had bought better electronics it was that significant.


I have carpeting and I do not use spikes with the Gayas. Rather I have the speakers on plain Gayas resting on a 1 1/2" thick maple butcher block. It really is helpful in maneuvering the heavy speakers while searching for the perfect placement. Just slide the butcher block rather than the speakers. And the sound is best to my ears that way. Win, win.

I will never know about the Townshend since they won't fit my triangular shaped speakers. Very large and very heavy, with their shape they could easily tip over on a Townshend podium,  even if they did fit.

I have Gaia III’s under my Focal’s and Sonus Faber’s.  I can’t tell that they make any difference in sound, but they are much more convenient than dealing with spikes.  I’m trying to get away from spikes.

My biggest complaint with the Isoacoustic Gaia’s, is the manufacturing issues of them.  I’ve purchased two sets now where the threaded holes are not completely plumb.  One set was so bad that I had to send it back for a replacement.  Some of the others are just slightly off and due to the rubber footing and the way it can offset some of this, it hasn’t been a problem on the others.

One would think for things at this price that they could at least have better manufacturing qualities though.


There have been plenty of positive reports.  I was targeting Gaias for my own speakers, but will go with Townsend platforms as they seem the best.