FEEDBACK HUM: Eversolo DMP A8 related

I cannot figure this out… just got an EVERsolo… getting a HUM upon changing INPUT SOURCES on it… prior to it making the switch from say RCA to ARC to TUNE-IN… then upon shutting it down, all I have starting up my system is loud hum feedback here this AM through my McIntosh MC 2105, and my Cornwall Fours. Weird. Like it’s taken over. Any replies appreciated!


It really isn't clear what's happening here. I typically think of hum and feedback as two different things.

If you just got the Eversolo, can you return it?

There do seem to be more "issues" with Eversolo products than one would expect.

Well....unhook it from your system and see if the hum goes away. If it does, return it.

For what it's worth I got one about six months ago and haven't had any issues with it at all.