Wanna take it to the next level? Buy MORE speakers!

Did your two speakers take it to the next level? No, they never have and they never will, my friends.

Buy more speakers.

You will be happy because you will be placed in a cocoon of sonic nirvana, taken to the next level.

Sales guy will be happy because he will sell more speakers.

Everyone will be happy, it’s a win-win.




Yea. “Questionable” conversations get the boot. Yet the artwork in the posted photo remains…..

The stupid premise of the original post should be enough to suck it into that black hole of darkness.....

Just get a wall of Braun L46 Speakers

This is about the technology of how a soundfield should be and how things appear in it. It cannot be done with 2 speakers even if you employ some gimmick like Bacch.

Watch this interview by prog rocker Steven Wilson educating Darko.

Steven Wilson - Darko Interview

After that, you hit a show like MWave in Kansas City one year. Listen to a multichannel rig (more than 2 speakers) set up by Perlisten, Grimani, etc. Then, you go and sit in Axpona and listen to all the pairs of 2 speakers blaring away disappointingly.

Thereafter, you may truly conclude that you need more than 2 speakers.

No, you have a fever, and the only prescription is MORE COW BELL!

That Dickinson was a bit lackluster and the ’don’t fear the peeper’ is a bit overplayed.

But, here’s something from the real Dickinson that will not just take care of the fever, but also cause a revelation within ya.

Dickinson - Revelations