Seeking to purchase a new DAC from my current Chord Qutest which has a S Booster Power Supply.  I prefer to work with a dealer and am looking for a DAC that can be serviced in the United States. Thus far, I have been recommended by a dealer to go with the Weiss 204. I believe that to maximize the Weiss Dac I must purchase a linear power supply to replace the switching power supply that comes with the DAC. The Modwright upgrade for the Weiss 204 has been suggested at a cost of $1000.00  and has received really good reviews. The total cost for the Weiss 204 with Linear Powwer supply would be $4500.00. Any other suggestions would be appreciated to aid me in my search. Don't wish to exceed $5000.00 and not looking to purchase used.   Thanks in advance. 


Switching can be OK if engineered correctly.

You should hear a difference before spending blindly.

I would recommend against modding a component. You’re buying a completely different DAC. It’s not Weiss anymore and you put yourself in a situation where you may not like the DAC and It’s going to be extremely hard to sell. Not many buyers like modified components. 

Rather than modifying , go with a better DAC instead like the next level Weiss. If you can’t swing a new one, consider shopping on a used market. 

Another recommendation in the $5,000 price range is the Bricasti M3. Excellent DAC. Made in the USA. Linear power supply so no need to worry about buying external one.