McIntosh MC312 vs. ARC Reference 150


I am very happy with my Mac MC312 power amp but the other day, on a whim (this darn hobby does that to you sometimes…) I purchased a used ARC Reference 150 (non-SE) tube amp. (The amp had the KT120 tubes replaced just 150 hrs ago.)

I am not planning to replace the Mac, but perhaps switch them in and out. (On a whim means I don’t really have a plan…)

Either way I am exited to receive it and though I’d ask this knowledgeable forum what I can expect in sound “signature” (for a lack of a better all-encompassing term) between the MC312 and the R150?

The rest of my system is a Rega P10 tt with Apheta 3 cart, a Simaudio MOON 310LP/320S phono stage/linear power supply, a PrimaLuna EVO 400 tube preamp, and GoldenEar Triton One.R speakers. 

Would love to tap into any thoughts you all have about these two amps and the difference I can expect. Thanks!

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xbimmerlover

The ARC will be more detailed giving a much more balanced presentation. The MAC is very midrange and bass heavy.


Have you not received the amp yet?

@ghdprentice   The McIntosh is NOT bass heavy and very midrange.  Why do you sprout lies about McIntosh?

I admit I haven't listened to any Mac equipment lately but the older amps did have a darker presentation than ARC.