Straight tonearms without offset angle

In the October issue of Stereiphile, there was an article on a tonearm that had no offset angle and therefore had no skating force. The disadvantage of this is at the beginning and end of the record, the tracking angle error was much greater than what you get with an offset angle. For conventional tonearms that have an offset, and require anti-skating, which can never be perfect, the typical tracking error has a supremum of about 2 degrees, and according to online Lofgren calculators, this imposes a second-order harmonic distortion less than 2%. 

I have a single-ended triode amplifier consisting of vintage globe 45 triodes transformer coupled to 833A SETs which drives Magnepans. Such SETs typically have second-order harmonic distortion as high as 10% which does not hurt the sound. A straight tonearm without an offset would have a maximum, or supremum tracking error of just under 10 degrees. If this causes a second-order harmonic distortion of less than 10%, would not this be irrelevant in a SET system? Is there any way of calculating this, or has this ever been studied? 


In fairness to Pindac, I do not think English is his first language, although he has never said as much.  My guess is German.

Audiogon is the site I visited for many years prior to Joining, where much of what I witnessed was the bemusement of plenty who were contributing.

I joined with an intention to help simplify things, my suggestions are reachable, achievable and aimed at the observer from the side lines or future visitors who may discover a thread I am contributing to.

I have witnessed bemusement offered up on this forum that does come with a cost for a reader. My causing bemusement comes with Zero Cost to a reader, but does seemingly stir further thought for some, which is constructive, is my amusement for myself, there's nothing like seeing the penny drop occasionally.

As when Joe Biden was on a Official State Tour on an Island in Europe, where he had invited an encountered on a Bridge miming Fisherman to a Pub. After having bought the Fisherman's third Pint of Guinness, following the Bridge encounter. Joe inquired " How many did you Catch from the River" to receive the Fisherman's reply " You're the First today"  

To truly understand Pindac, one must grasp the fine art of capitalizing random words in a sentence.  Only then will you have true enlightenment, grasshopper.



I think that the OP's logic that the THD from one component somehow covers, or overlays, the THD from another component, rather than the two being additive, does not make sense, IMHO.