Spatial Audio Raven Preamp

Spatial is supposed to be shipping the first "wave" from pre orders of this preamplifier in May, does anyone have one on order? Was hoping to hear about it from AXPONA but I guess they were not there. It's on my list for future possibilities. It seems to check all my boxes if I need a preamp.


It is not a secret on the Gon, that I am an advocate of PC Triple C wire used in a Audio System. Today I have heard it used for nearly every role a Wire is to be used, In all the demonstrations had, the use of it has been impressive and without doubt a worthwhile exchange.

Big Brand names are onto it, and the wire as Bulk Purchase is becoming harder to find.

I have also been introducing others to PC Triple C wire, with the result being they have taken to it more intensively than my own practices, hence all the additional uses I have been introduced to.

In the early days of usage, I purchased a Power Cable at approx' £150 per metre length, and terminated it with Pure Copper Connectors. This same cable when introducing the wire to others was loaned out for extended periods.

The users of the Power Cable are by nature experimental, they also produce Audio Equipment as a Cottage Type Industry, where small quantities are the objective.

Comparisons took place as my loaned cable, prompted a few Brands of Cable to be purchased. 1mtr Lengths of Cables were purchased with a Top Value Cable being mine and others being close to £100 and less.

The surprise was, that a Power Cable near the lower end of price range was the one that most impressed across a few systems the Comparisons took place on.

As Power Chords are of interest in this thread, and I am sharing interest in this thread. The Link is the Power Chord with Pure Copper Connections the group of listeners took to the most.



@pindac Sadly, it appears that wire is out of stock.....  Might be a fun experiment if some were available

Do the sound characteristics of this preamp enhance or make bass more pronounced? I am not really looking for that. I want tonally neutral but with the tube holographic presentation they are known for and some midrange warmth or fullness. I just read a review of the Aric Audio Motherload XL and the bass description had me concerned. That one was on my list but I really don’t want to spend another $1000 and have wait longer to afford it. I certainly do not want any McIntosh type bass either. I have been saving for this since April 2024! Should have it by April 2025.

@fthompson251 The Raven did not have this effect (more pronounced bass) in my system. I find its frequency range is well balanced top to bottom. I opted for the Linlai tube upgrade to slightly counter a warmer than neutral sound produced by my speakers and amp.  I have been totally happy with the Raven and have had no issues with it at all.

@jc4659   Thank you for that reply. I may just get the stock tubes as I can use a little warmth and if not then get a set of Linlai tubes later to tube roll. Appreciated.