NOS Tube Recommendation for Quicksilver Phono Pre Amp

I recently upgraded from the onboard phono stage in my Technics 1500SL to an all tube Quicksilver Phono Pre Amp. I’m about half way through the 30 hour recommended break-in period and so far, there is a lot to like about this piece of gear: Much thicker/more pronounced bottom end (I’ve had to readjust the gain on my subs quite a bit) and much wider/more defined sound stage. However, because I’m also running an all tube integrated amp (Raven Audio Osprey), there is now a very noticeable "warm" coloration to the music that wasn’t there before. I don’t want to give up on my new phono stage, but it’s like I’m listening to music with a wool blanket over my speakers. I’m thinking rolling the tubes to something a little cleaner/brighter could give me the best of all worlds. There are 3 tubes in the circuit topology: 2 12AX7s (one input, one gain) and 1 12AT7 (cathode follower). I’m currently considering a matched pair of Raytheon JRP black plate 12AX7s and either an RCA or Telefunken for the cathode follower (all NOS). Any and all suggestions/inputs are very much appreciated! P.S. my speakers are Raven Audio Corvus Reference Monitors and my current cart is the always amazing Nagaoka MP-500.


Suggest running the (new?) QS for 200+ hours with the stock tubes without changing/moving anything.



I just ordered Gold Lyon preamp tubes for my Quicksilver Mid-Mono. Looking for a little more extension. Previously I replaced the stock tubes in my Rogue Sphinx V3 with Gold Lyons and it really made a nice improvement. Those aren't cheap tubes anymore but the difference was substantial.

Thanks @russ69 , I will look into the Gold Lyons. Quick follow-up: were those Gold Lyons you put into your Rogue NOS or new run? Also, if you've found a good place to buy some, can you please pass it along?


@dekay, waiting to see how it sounds after the break-in period has definitely occurred to me. I'm struggling with 200+ hours those - that's ~8 months worth of record listening for me!! Can you share any personal experience/rational for waiting that long?