Choose between McIntosh MA9000 used vs MA8950 new

I really need some input! I am trying to upgrade from my starter kit. I just found a used 4-5 years old MA9000, fine condition (except cosmetics), and is comparing to buying a new MA8950. Ma9000 has generous leg room (300 W) with more tone controls, bigger everything, but that was older 2017 technology and already discontinued. Ma8950 is less powerful (200W), but is the latest design, bit better DAC, more dynamic headroom (filter capacity). Now I cannot decide which one to go for. Btw I used streamer as my source most of the time, and driving a b&w 805 d4. Thanks for your help.


….or….not to blow your mind but have a look for a used Gryphon Diablo 300 instead. I’ve personally listened to the McIntosh integrated’s vs the Diablo and well…. For my ear, the very large sonic differences made me a buyer in a few minutes.


Have a blast….!

A McIntosh that is only 4-5 years old but is not in top cosmetic shape is a clue that the owner(s) may have not taken care of the equipment during the period of ownership.  Steer clear and get the warranty.

I would not get hung up on the DAC, eventually you will want to replace it with a separate unit anyway. As for wattage, 200 is a lot, unless you regularly play at concert levels. Significant cosmetic damage on a fairly young amp might be cause for concern, you would have to be the judge of that. Since you are asking the group, maybe your gut says that the new unit is a safer bet, I would lean that direction. 

@kennymacc i agree, sometimes it takes a while to find the right component in the used market.

Big difference between the 9000's DA1 and the 8950's DA2. I have an 8900 which has the DA1 installed, but I'm running the excellent DAC from my Lumin T2.  I dare say the T2 going to sound as well if not better than the DA2 when streaming.