Do you Know a Trusted Seller of Chinese Vacuum Tubes?

With the terrible Russian offensive/war and the drying up of NOS tubes, I ventured more deeply into Chinese tubes.  

Does anyone have a recommended seller who might actually test for noise/microphonics?  I wish Kevin Deal's outfit would start carrying some of the premium offerings.  I'm surprised he doesn't given (I think) Primaluna branded tubes are likely Chinese (Shuguang, maybe?).  

Some of the Chinese preamp tubes I've tried sound glorious. Getting them without noise can be a challenge. 



It would be nice if there were more retail sales partners based in North America (or Europe) who screen Chinese tubes before selling them.

Yes, that’s probably the point of this post. We need more North American resellers who test for noise. There are some great new tubes being made these days.

Sage advice.

immathew thanks. Yes it was meant to be hearsay. 

Problem with extra testing is that these procedures take time and often buyers are not willing to spend the extra money. New production tubes are considered, often, just a commodity. 

The real problem is that out of a lot of 500 tubes, sometimes as many as 200 would test bad and/or be unmatchable and the manufacturer does not take them back.

Check out Ram Tubes they do extensive testing, it was Roger Modjesky of Music Reference's tube company. The EL34s I bought recently were chinese and have worked out well