Wilson Watt 3/Puppy 2 Loudspeaker

I was tempted by a highly discounted used pair of these, and I know JA gave it a very positive review. However, I’m curious about what Audiogoners who actually own them think. I’d appreciate it if you could share your insights.  Thx.




@deep_333, Dave Wilson was far from incompetent. At the time, the Watt/puppy was one of the best high end speakers available. You should be tarred and feathered for your insult to Dave Wilson.

Well, the speaker’s measurement indeed looks like a guy with a zoology degree tried to engineer them. His rambunctious fans are learning some hard truths today, it appears.. thanks to John Atkinson’s measurements.


After 2 years at American River Junior College, he transferred to Brigham Young University starting in 1964, where he obtained a bachelor’s degree in zoology and chemistry. It was at BYU he would me

Wilson claims to stock replacement drivers for all their products, new and old. No clue what they would cost.  

Ditto on the amplifier comment. Need something that swings some juice. If you are going to refresh the old watt/puppies and need a corresponding price point amp, look at new or used amps by Odyssey. While solid state, they tend to be biased for a more tubelike presentation that should mate well with those tweeters, especially if you replace them. 

I am driving a pair of (admittedly much newer) Wilson’s out of their watt/puppy lineage using Odyssey monoblocks. The result is so good I have so far resisted the temptation to spend huge money on replacement amps. 

@yoyoyaya As you may know, the efficiency was used to be measured based off a single tone at 1khz via industrial standard. Multi-tone test based efficiency was available through individual sources though. You are right, even looking at the raw impedance chart, the impedance drops down to 1.75 ohm at approximately 2.5khz. JA also commented:

"While this will not present pedigree solid-state amplifiers with any drive problems, tube designs are best avoided given the overall low impedance above 150Hz."

@dishman442 Thank you for the Odyssey mono recommendation. I will look into it.

Older woofers can be retaped. A friend of mine bought a set of puppies that had just been retaped… they sound great. Not expensive to have done at all.


Wilson sadly does not stock all legacy drivers. My Cubs had Focal tweeters (inverted dome) which suffered surround rot. I could not get replacements from Wilson or Focal.