Denafrips Terminator II 12th anniversary VS. Terminator PLUS 12th anniversary

I currently have a Pontus II 12th as my first dive into digital and since I have been enjoying the flexibility of having digital as a supplement to my vinyl front end, I have been considering potential upgrades (sigh. it never ends, does it).

I am a bit confused about these two offerings, however, and was wondering if anyone has heard them both:

Terminator Plus 12th - $7700 approx USD
Terminator II 12th - $4975 approx USD

An approximate $2725 premium for the PLUS. The only difference in specs I could find is 'high end OXCO' in the PLUS and a 'fancier' faceplate. I'm not sure if these small differences warrant a ~55% premium?


As a side note, I do enjoy the Pontus II I have now, but after hearing some higher end DACs recently - Lampizator Poseidon was a big stand out - it's glaringly obvious that the Pontus II is a lower price point DAC. 😅 While it definitely sounds excellent for the price point, I'm definitely wanting for more, even with the Gaia DDC.

It's not quite as 3D and can get a little bit veiled sounding to me - especially on the top end sometimes. The better DACs I've heard are better able to get that 3D effect and get more detail and air around the top end without sacrificing a laid back or natural sound.

While I was enthralled with the Poseidon I heard, it's quite outside of my price range (and I simply do not have room for that monster of a DAC, nor pretty much any of the Lampi DACs due to their height). I feel like it probably makes more sense to stick with Denafrips for an upgrade as I can continue using the Gaia with either of the Terminator options easily.

I am open to consider other DAC options in the 5-10k range, but need to be 7" or shorter (with feet). I'm not really interested in any streaming/DAC combination units as I use a stand alone digital source (Innuos Zen mk3) so would prefer to have a DAC without all that extra stuff thrown in.


@audioman58 I was wondering how you are aware of Denafrips future product releases.

Are you a Denafrips dealer?

If so, you should disclose your relationship to make it clear as other dealers/reps do.

Yes I have owned many dacs and in a Very large Audio club and having owned a Audiostore until 2015 and before in the U.K after Alvin left I reached out As. 4 decade Audiophile Denafrips had no representation  now I do I  show retail pricing 

but offer attractive pricing when emailed through my advert Audioman58 email 

address. Without hesitation the 12th was not a upgrade much imo 

the Gen-15 dacs much better ,the new engineering decided to move most  models

to the next upper model , Thst is how I know I own the new Pontus Gen15 

and Terminator and  compared with the older 12th anniversary , a noticable increase in resolution and soundstage width and depth,if you look at the terminator pages it even showed Terminator Plus on the shielded isolated Dual oven Clocks.


@audioman58 you need to make this disclaimer so members here know your bias and that you are a dealer. Even @audiotroy is doing that in their signature. It is the ethical thing to do. 

I am a Denafrips online Dealers , the New Terminator Gen-15  is the Terminator 12+ ,as well as the New  Pontus 15 is = to the Venus 12th 

the Venus is discontinued a new Venus 15 coming out next month 

the Terminator is Identical even on the most critical part of the dac The Ultra precision shielded encapsulated Dual Oven ⏰ Clocks are the same it says right on the clocks Terminator plus look in the ad I just took these close up pictures this week to the terminator on top of my rack and compared them to a Audiophile in our
large Audiophile club , Exact.  Where the 12th was not a valid upgrade IMO ,upgrade IEC ,better silver wiring and transformers a bit better . The Gen 15. is a evolutionary upgrade, the New engineers thought the Enyo, Ares worth the upgrades , the Pontus,stepped into the Venus , and Terminator to the plus ,a great strategic move and save $1000s in engineering costs ,and the buyer benefits ,at least the ones who are technical ,that is why I pointed this out. next year maybe a Terminator 15+ , at the moment the Terminator Gen-15 is the current flagship it says so on their website  I am using this with a Gaia and or Hermes DDC trying to see if it’s worth the extra $500 for the Gaia  .maybe 2-3% better Maybe. I hope that helps .

I recently got a new Terminator 15th. I have been "shopping" for my next DAC for over a year to replace my Venus II. I was being careful to get something I would feel was an upgrade and would be good enough to stop my desire for more, I cannot afford it anymore being retired with limited disposable income. I was interested a long time ago in getting a Terminator plus because I was curious about the ability to take advantage of the clock snyc feature with the Hermes I already have. I also own a pretty good I2s cable, the Tubulus Argentus so this seemed like the most logic step, but that $7600 price kept me from it. Once the Terminator 15th became available and is basically a Terminator + I became more serious about it. I contacted @audioman58 about one and decided to make the buy from him. I have been running it constantly since I got it with my Aurender N200 streaming Qobuz. I have 100 hours on it now. I bought Oyaide DB 510 clock cables because they get good feedback, they are not a compromise for this intended use. I am sure there are better clock cables but this will have to do for now, I spent all I can. I can say I am absolutely thrilled with this Terminator 15th DAC. It is exactly what I was hoping for and has the inherent Denifrips House sound but just a LOT better han the Venus II. I always felt the Venus II was good and it is, but holy cow this new DAC is just giving me what I wanted. Here are some of my notes in comparison to the Venus II I had. (I sold it before the Terminator arrived)

Terminator 15th


Realistic timbre to instruments and vocalists, just so real!.

Bass is deeper but more defined and textured,it surprises me how it jumps out so realistically

More holographic and airy around instruments and vocalists-I can hear them so easily now

clearer separation of voices coming from the background

Get up and Boogies, music has great drive and tempo

Realism, palpable, I can just listen for hours on end

comes from Quiet

soundstage bigger, hearing well outside the speakers now, deeper too

piano is so real

delicate overtones, reverberations and decays



So this is what I am hearing for now. My system is in my profile. i must say that with what I am done with cabling recently I am really hearing the changes i make now more easily. So FWIW this is my perspective. I was so very close to buying a T+A DAC 200 but this new pricing tipped the scales for me, I am happy with my purchase. I just prefer the R2R sound for me.