The Low Volume Loudness Dilemma

I love the power and detail of music played at what I call "Actual instrument volume" which is pretty loud and dominating. 

I like music in the background when I'm reading or entertaining. The problem is that the fullness and richness is thin to gone at low volume. This seems to be the case no matter how much a system costs. I listened to a Burmester rig driving a set of Wilson Alexx V speakers in a perfectly tuned listening room with cabling that costs more than my Lexus and the "missing music" at low volume problem was there too. $350,000 in gear couldn't fix it. 

I did the unthinkable - I bought a DBX 2231 equalizer off of eBay for a couple hundred bucks and messed around with the sound curve. Viola! "Loudness"!  I know this is sacrilege and may cause excommunication by the purist class but I am able to get full rich sound at low levels. The Eq also compensates for the anomalies in my listening area (large great room with other rooms connected to it.)

I don't have the square footage or budget to build a proper dedicated listening room with all the sound management treatments so I'm "making due" with what I do have. 

Does anybody have some guidance or constructive thoughts on how to get full rich music at low SPLs? 

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I do a significant amount of my listening at lower sound levels and have built my last two systems around that goal.

If you want to listen to music at low sound levels, you need to start with the speakers. High efficiency speakers are a must, add quality amplification/ sources and add a little work on the room and you're pretty much there 

Adding bass / mid boost may sound satisfying but you end up obscuring detail and micro-dynamics.  You're not getting the whole enchilada.

Why limit to either loud or low levels listening? DSP if digital or even simple analog eq otherwise solves the problem. You can have it all! Do one’s self a favor in 2024 and Don’t let yourself get boxed in by outdated audiophile concepts from 40 years ago that prohibit obvious solutions. Best to get with the times ( and corresponding modern technology).

I have dual 18’s in my system on a separate amp / x-over . I just crank the subs more at low volume = done ✅ 

eq works as well , you’re on the right path 


I’m not an acoustician, but I’ve learned a few things about ensuring that low volume music sounds good in my office system (that’s how I listen 10-12 hrs/day):

1 - Select individual components that others describe as sounding good at low volumes, especially when it comes to speakers and amps

2 - Use a well set-up subwoofer. Its effect is nearly subliminal at low volumes, but it’s there, and it helps

3 - Control external/extraneous, steady state sound in the enviornment to the greatest degree possible.

My current system sounds great at low volumes. I hope it sounds even better when my Music First Audio TVC/preamp unit arrives and I get it fully burned in. I’ve been interested in exploring the sound of well-made transformers for a long time, and this will be my chance. If the reviews and user comments hold true, I might get even clearer, more pure sound (good sound) at low volumes than I have now.