Please help -- DAC newbie needs wisdom.....

Hi all,

Please forgive me for treading old ground, but it seems like there are many new USB/firewire DACs on the market, and I really have no idea what I am doing!! If you can help, I would be most appreciative.

Right now I have a system I love: Jolida 302 tube amp, Quad 21l2 speakers, and a Music Hall CDP 25.2. I am slowly re-ripping all of my cds to Apple lossless for my macbook (connected to an external hard drive -- too many cds...).

I would like to begin using my mac as a music server, and have been hearing about many good new USB/firewire dacs around $200-300, that did not appear to be on the market July '08 when I was shopping for my system (or maybe I was ignorant?)

Anyway, can anyone recommend a dac that would work well for jazz and classical chamber music and not break the bank? Between the Jolida and the quads, the bass is not amazing, but my system has great-midrange and enough detail and soundstage to keep me happy given my salary.


PS -- Can you run two sources into a DAC? I have an old DVD player that has an optical output. Perhaps I can use that as a cd source with a new DAC and sell the Music Hall?
The Cambridge DAC magic is a great sounding unit and cheap. It has 3 inputs so you could plug in your computer via USB and still have 2 optical/RCA inputs for sallelite dish or DVD player. Slightly better sound with a few hundred higher price tag is the MHDT Paradisea +. It's amazing how good of sounding DACs they are making now days for so cheap.
I recently bought a Musical Fidelity V-DAC to use with my MacBook. It has a USB input, as well as Coax & Toslink. It's suppose to have the internals of a high end DAC, in a basic (cheap) chassis. Supposedly an "audiophile grade" chassis adds a lot of unnecessary expense. In my highly resolving headphone system, the V-DAC sounds very, very good for $299 or for any price. It's suppose to be even better with the external power supply. I haven't felt the need for the external power supply yet.

Good Luck
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