Dear @mijostyn :" In spite of extremely expensive cartridges of all types it still can not compete with a well mastered, high resolution digital file. "
I already posted in this thread and others in the last 10+ years that fully digital alternative beats fully analog alternative or even alittle worst when both alternatives are mixed as in your system.
Lyra, Ortofon and several other cartridge designers make the cartridge VOICING through a fully analog alternative. Yes they comparesagainst same recording on ditigal option but that's all.
My take is that today you still do not really know how good are your cartridges and obviously that even that,everything the same, willnot beats a top digital option butI think a little better that what you are listening. These is not about what you like but what should be..
Come on mijos:RIAA and bass range ( foundation of MUSIC ) is handled digitally. Where comes the analog? that's what the cartridges were mainly designed.
You can have or " You might consider have your records/LPs digitized. "