SACD Players


New member here. I am looking to add an SACD player in order to play the DSD layer of SACD directly. Based on my research I have shortlisted PS Audio Direct Stream Memory player and McIntosh MCT500.

Option 1) I currently own McIntosh MA5300 which means I can use MCT500 with supplied DIN cable connected to MA5300’s DA1

Option 2) Purchase PS Audio Direct Stream Memory player and DirectStream DAC MK1 (Both discontinued)

From what I understand the memory buffering and Air Lens would make the media sound better. Whereas, I haven’t found many reviews on MCT500.

Both options would roughly cost the same. I am looking for the better sound. Which option is better? Any advice or insights would help.

Thank you,




I am with you. I also have a Sony Blue-ray player connected to my home theater system that supports DSD multilayer. With the HDMI out from the Blue-ray player I am able to enjoy multichannel music. However, my home theater system fairly basic and is not my reference audio system. 

@rlsammie I only have one system for both music and video ;-(. Probably the only Dolby Atmos capable system in the world with no center channel!

There are some seriously good Atmos sound recordings available too. If you like classical then Norwegian label 2L at has some stunning disks. In my opinion, they are world leaders in how to do digital properly. Elsewhere, Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon in Atmos is amazing.

For others embarking on the high-resolution disk journey, HDMI can be used to mix and match transports and DACs from different manufacturers, and supports high resolution audio including multi-channel DSD and Atmos. Mcintosh is an exception, and the MCT500 SACD transport is 2-channel only!

I have the McIntosh 8950 and MCT500. The pairing is amazing. I now strongly prefer to listen to cd over streaming. Using the DA2 DAC I’m the 8950 for everything. Flipping between optical and the MCT din cable, the din cable sounds best. It was a little finicky at first where if I push it in too far it can drop signal. McIntosh said this cable is like that. It was not a short in the cable either as I have 2z 

What kind of a connection is that between the 2 McIntosh components?  I used to have a Sony SACD player that had a proprietary connection to a Sony AVR and then later a Pioneer Elite DVD/SACD player with a similar link to a Pioneer AVR.  These links were FireWire and sounded very good indeed 


:) It's all good. My surround system is a very basic Dolby Atmos Yamaha receiver. Thank you for the suggestions. I will definitely check them out.