SACD Players


New member here. I am looking to add an SACD player in order to play the DSD layer of SACD directly. Based on my research I have shortlisted PS Audio Direct Stream Memory player and McIntosh MCT500.

Option 1) I currently own McIntosh MA5300 which means I can use MCT500 with supplied DIN cable connected to MA5300’s DA1

Option 2) Purchase PS Audio Direct Stream Memory player and DirectStream DAC MK1 (Both discontinued)

From what I understand the memory buffering and Air Lens would make the media sound better. Whereas, I haven’t found many reviews on MCT500.

Both options would roughly cost the same. I am looking for the better sound. Which option is better? Any advice or insights would help.

Thank you,



Great machine.  Enjoy.   The MCT connection is the way to go if you listen to SACD 

Get the Mac. You already have Mac stuff. Stick with the stuff you know and love.

FWIW I have an OPPO 105D into a Bryston DAC3 and I hear no difference between the 2

Hi, I too am looking to upgrade to SACD. I'm not looking at home theatre, I mainly watch the news channels, and soccer. A sound bar will suffice. But I learned a lot reading this post. And as I'm saving to buy something permanent. It is the Marantz AS30 or 10, I am chiefly interested in. Am I wrong in this train of thought? RICHARDBRAND, What do you think?

Thanks IAN.