Any audiophile use computer (MacBook) as your audio streaming source?

I rarely see any audiophile talking about streaming audio digital sources from a computer. I understand MacBook can accept native lossless formats form all the various platforms, and it can store unlimited music files in any format, so supposedly it’s the best source, and the digital file is the most purest before it’s fed to the dac. Anyone compared the sound quality of computer vs other audio streamer? 


DDC effectiveness generally with I2S, I2S input on many dacs allows local or host clocking, host or DDC clock may be superior to dac clock. I don't see the point of adding DDC for usb unless streamer usb really poor.


I agree with prior poster in regard to diy builds, many levels of performance depending on build.


How can you argue with people who claim to hear no difference with dedicated streamers vs multi purpose computers, they get to be happy without any extra expenditure.  For those who've not heard a dedicated streamer in their system speak from experience rather than rehashing other's experiences.

I primarily use Windows desktop as a source, but occasionally Macbook as well. Streamer is just a computer. And I am pretty sure Apple gear is much better designed than some ARM Linux box.

@dcmnto - Paul Allen had absolutely zero to do with modern (or old) Windows. He left company (or, rather, was pushed out) long time ago. Never had any influence on OS design. Besides, since 25 years ago OS changed quite a bit.

I run Ubuntu Linux on a $125 PC I got from Amazon.  My music library is on a USB drive I hang off of it.  Of course it can stream.  Linux is free.  The Clementine music player looks a lot like iTunes, but I run JRiver for about $30.

I always laugh at all of the people with their $5000 streamers and such.  More money than sense.

I completely agree with the first part, I said several times that I agree a DAC can sound better fed from a DDC. What I said was .... your conclusion that it does so because it doesn’t have to work as hard or has to do less processing has no factual basis so stating that these are the reasons has no basis in fact…I never had any problem with the conclusion that it sounds better. My problem is your statement about WHY it sounds better.

@herman Ok, well fine then. If it’s not the better clocking and noise reduction that makes a DDC make a DAC sound better as both you and I agree that it does, then what exactly is it? Magic fairy dust??? C’mon man. You’re running outta logical options here. It’s either clocking, noise reduction, or magic fairy dust. And as to @sns contention that it’s mainly the i2S connection that’s absolutely bogus. Many people here have experienced significant sonic improvements using a DDC without using i2S, so that argument holds no water whatsoever. Your turn, and please add something tangible rather than it just has to be something magical and as yet unidentified that makes a DDC work other than clocking and noise reduction cause I’m all ears if you got it. Where is your magic WHY if better clocking and better noise reduction isn’t enough for you? Occam’s razor — the simplest (and most logical I’d offer) explanation is usually the best one, unless you have something else.  I mean, what the hell else could it possibly be???