power cable tryout High fidelity cables has me wondering..... need suggestions now

Last Saturday a good friend brought over a power cord to give a try in my system, one of Rick Schultz High Fidelity Cables, friend said he paid around $5000 not sure the model but they have large magnets on them, i think.  I did not know he was bringing this cable so it was a surprise. 

I have a Mac C2700 preamp, Mac mc301 mono amps, driving some large OB's from Tri-Art supported by Rel subs,  source was my Acoustic Solid turntable with a Sumiko Pear wood calibration 2 cart.  I have run PS audio AC5 series forever now (approx. $500 each), I figured they were good enough and I would not hear much if any difference. Not enough for me to rush out and look at better. 

Well let me tell you my friends I was shocked how different putting this cable on my preamp would make in the sound for the positive. It was on order of putting in a new Preamp or new tubes. not subtle in anyway, to be honest i was a bit angry at how much it changed my system. I was behind my listening chair, in my kitchen ( listening room and kitchen are one large room) filling a glass of water and I just sighed when he started plying music. I didn't even have to be in the sweet spot let alone close, hell my head was in my fridge). it was like the whole system lost its hash. It cleared up the top end so much i was able to raise the tuning point on my speakers to increase the top end a bit. everything cleared up became more detailed without any strain, sibilance etc.  one dam cable....

Darn it now i need to look at power cables and other cables as well... 

well I cannot afforded to put $5000 cables throughout my system so I'm looking for suggestions on something a little less, under $2k each sort of thing. But that can give me a good portion of what these gave. any suggestions. used-new I'm not particular.

One thing i wont be buying anymore PS Audio power cables, probably ok for $500 but once you hear it you cannot unhear it. as they say.

My whole conception of power cables has been turned upside down.....



I know the feeling. I remember long ago I had completed an upgrade cycle and was really happy. I was at the $3K each for component cost… about $4 for speakers. My audio dealer called me so excited I could barely understand him… he said I absolutely had to try these new cables… they were $2K. I could not believe there was a chance these ridiculously expensive interconnects could be worth it… especially in my system.

Darn, the moment I heard them, I was shocked and depressed at the same time. Interconnects costing 2/3 of the component cost. But I had heard the competing components. So, well I ended up with three sets.

For power cords I recommend Audio Quest Hurricane and Cardas Clear Beyond. These are both outstanding, but very different. If your equipment is really dead quiet and very musical and warm… sounding exactly like you want… then the Hurricane… if it needs a nudge toward warmer / musical… then the Cardas.


Typically the difference will be twice as large on the amp as on the preamp and components. But both typically really have a big impact.

If you are able to buy before trying… these cords probably fit in your budget… but, the preferred length is 2 meters… 2 meters will sound better than one. I have tried it. But don’t drop down a tier to get 2 meters… if you can’t afford two meters just get one.

The last Mcintosh pre and power system I listened to and tried to put some different (better) cables on led me to believe Mcintosh gear was rather unyielding to cable changes, and this was with $40,000 speakers. I still have no idea why any difference was hard to notice. Mind you the power cables were not worth 5k, but then more than 1 of them were swapped. Every system is different I suppose.

I recall reading PS Audio stopped making cables, and the only cables I see on PS Audio's website are Audioquest.

If you are in the US thecablecompany is your friend.

edit: was this it?

signalcable.com makes very good sounding power cables, and they have been around for quite a while. The Magic power cord is not expensive so you'll have to get over that part. :-)  P.S. order 1 foot Xtra on each end, these cables are thick and heavy and don't bend well.