A MacBook has many computing processes going on in the back ground
where a streamer just has 1 process your music ,
also it has no fan even streamers though in more then 65% the power supplies are not that good meaning not high quality linear power supplies. Both can be improved better still . I have found that’s DDC or Digital to Digital Converter better known as a Reclocker takes the incoming Digital signal puts it in a FIFO buffer then totally cleans- filters and processes the data to either a Temp controlled ⏰ clock, or even better Oven Clocks ⏰ that then go out to your dac with a much more pristine Digital signal .if your dac has a I2S input then you can connect That from the DDC to the dac I2S which looks like a HDMI cable , which is the best sounding audio type cable connection ,he Wireworld I use has 48 Separate wires . This will for sure give you computer or streamer a more musically engaging experience . I just stack on top of dac using Iso acoustic feet on both.