@willyht no doubt! I also greatly enjoyed @deep_333 and @rforddaddyo's takes.
The Room! Speaker placement to listening position are the cheapest, fastest way to getting there with whatever you've got. I've found matching the triangle set-up by having the speakers exactly the same distance from outer walls and listening position centered between them. Having the speakers as far away from the front wall pays increasing dividends but sometimes, perhaps a lot of times it isn't practical ie: WAF.
I have a 2nd rig that is so old and cheap but I love it when I'm there almost as much as the main rig.
This morning I spent over an hour readjusting my speakers to get them about 6" further from the front wall. I also rechecked level of the speakers, slope leaning back, distance from the outer wall & sweet spot position.
I get so much enjoyment out of this rig! Even with tech reconditioning, I think I've got about $750 into it including the Furman power conditioner I just got for it this week.
Do I really need the main rig? No, sometimes I don't know how I got there. But I do know that I love music, albums, streaming, CD's maybe a little bit. Tape is cool but I don't have any. Yeah the main rig is great but wherever I am I seem to enjoy the rig as much as possible...