Integrated Tube Amp approx. $2,500

I'm looking for suggestions on integrated tube amps in the $2,500 range, give or take a few hundred. My speakers are Klipsch Cornwall IVs with a Musician Pegasus II dac. I found the Black Ice Fusion F22 V.2 which looks interesting, but not a lot else in my price range. Thanks.


I would be curious to know what you think about the Yamaha amp. Do share. Thanks

Yamaha is a pretty boring choice. Safe, accurate, flawless, but lacks musicality. 



Yamaha is a pretty boring choice. Safe, accurate, flawless, but lacks musicality.

Having owned some pretty well regarded SS amps known for their musicality, such as Pass, Coda, and Exposure, in addition to tube products from the likes of Bel Canto, Allnic, Cayin, Quicksilver, AVA, and Rogue, I have to disagree. That’s not to mention all the higher tier models and brands I’ve auditioned from Luxman, Aavik, Gryphon and so on.

The MOSFET based Yamaha integrateds that were introduced around 2014 are not remotely lacking in musicality. Quite the opposite in my experience, especially when paired with >$10K speakers. They are not powerhouses, but most “musical” SS amps are <100WPC IME. I would never consider going back to the Pass XA25 or Coda 8 over my Yamaha 2100. The 2100 does practically everything better in my system. With decent enough speakers, the Yamaha’s have a “lit from within” sound that is matched by very few SS components.