??? How Much Would You Spend ???

I’m curious about something...Lets say your going to build a system for a smallish room...For a hundred years,the recommendation is choose speakers first,then build around them...
So you fall completely under the spell of a pair of speakers with a $12,500.00 MSRP...What is the minimum amount you would spend just for your amplification with no eye towards any future upgrade?
Thanks for your participation,it is appreciated..


Amp, around 5K plus another 5K for a preamp. Already have the speakers and amps in my mind.

Post removed 

I feel the front end is as important as the Loudspeakers if not more

for if you don’t get all your information right from the start you cannot 

make it up downstream . Speakers by nature are normally more expensive 

30% for speakers  25% front end , getting the most for your money even slightly used .cables some are insanely priced but if you can afford them go for it 

20% for cables is reasonable. Plenty of good products out there.buy in the summer also good advise ,having owned a Audio store when it’s slowest ,or an item has been on line for some time get your best deals.