Pass labs krell parasound amps

Hello, Looking for feedback on the best sound and reliability of these amps, how do they compare to one another. Looking to spend 5-6k on used amp from these choices: Pass Labs x250.8, Krell Duo 300xd, Parasound jc5 or Mcintosh Mc312.

I have Mark Levinson no526 preamp and Revel 228be speakers and like a very open, transparent sound with deep soundstage. 

Thanks for your response. 


@richardbrand I'll bet it's more than 80 watts into 8ohm, most manufacturers that claim this doubling underrate the 8ohm measurement, still the krell ksa amps are as close as you can get to a perfect voltage source.

The KRELL DUO amps are ugly as sin, but I would love to have one again since they sound so good.

@invalid Yep.  They were ranked as one of the ten most influential amplifier designs of all time.  I don't really compare mine to anything else - I am just deliriously happy.with it.  I also use it to drive KEF Reference 1 speakers.

My Krell replaced a Quad 100-Watt 405-2 which uses a very clever design where a small class A amplifier "tops up" a beefier amplifier.  This idea was later used by Devaliet.  Peter Walker of Quad defined a perfect amplifier as "a straight wire with gain".

Parasound JC 5 is the best bet for you imo 

I don't think enough people have heard it so the comments here are not in line with its value ... and it's definitely not an A21, far superior