Is it best to isolate??

Just picked up a Audio Research cd7 and I whould like to get the most out of this player!Does isolating cd players really make a difference?I was thinking of the symposium rollerblocks with the titanium bearings under this player.I have heard that sometimes you can overdamping components and I don't want that to be the case.I'm using a Michael Green rack that is built like a tank already...
yes but will it sound better.Theres so many times I wondered in our effort for the holy grail if we might be making it worse...
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Spaz, I dont think you are isolating your 600's from the environment. I think you are isolating the ENVIRONMENT from those beasts..LOL. Those amps are so heavy that it would be a miracle if anything gets through.
"Theres so many times I wondered in our effort for the holy grail if we might be making it worse..."

All components are isolated out of the box to some extent. I think further isolation can only help, not hurt, but in many cases it may make no discernable difference, so you have to be level headed about how to go about it. Its just a safe thing to do.

IS there an an example out there of where more isolation is worse?

Looking at the posters system pics, the thing that catches my attention from an isolation perspective are those monster amps. Amps with high power transformers emit EM fields that can induce noise in other low level electronics, so the physical separation of power amp from other components is key.

Also, I prefer to keep my components low to the floor rather than high up on elevated stands to minimize impact of vinrations trans mitted through the floor. MY stuff sits on a $30 (second hand) 80 pound heavy solid oak coffee table/bench that itself sits on a solid concrete floor/foundation. The phono step up device is wrapped in mu-metal for needed additional EM isolation. Pre-amp and step up device are located as far away from the power amp and other nearby transformers as my setup allows. I"ve found these simple cost-effective precautions to be very effective!
"Also, I prefer to keep my components low to the floor rather than high up on elevated stands to minimize impact of vinrations trans mitted through the floor. MY stuff sits on a $30 (second hand) 80 pound heavy solid oak coffee table/bench that itself sits on a solid concrete floor/foundation. "


All my main components are on a wood floor or very close to wood floor placed on high mass wood cabinet/bases. All my power supplies and components are at least 4 ft away from each other not to have EM field interaction. Especially pre-amps/phonos away from DAC/power supplies. It may not look pretty stuff spread out or impressive but gets the job done.