Component matching expertise - how do you do it?

I tend to rely on a dealer and expertise when it comes to pairing components.  And with what I read and other peoples experiences.

I am incredibly impressed when I read commentary by people who really know what they're doing when it comes to matching components.  Factors such as impedance, curves, amp power, and recognizing that some components don't get along with other components and keeping in mind specifications which are inherently complicated to really understand.

What are some of the key things people in the know look at when they are deciding between components being Incorporated into their systems?  


Well, great question. But there is no easy answer. While components must be technically compatible. For the last fifty years I have chosen components and generally looked no deeper into technical aspects than watts per channel, current of the amp and sensitivity of speakers. While you can get into additional parameters… typically they don’t get you very far in terms of sonic compatibility and synergy.

Getting a compatible and synergistic system is about pairing like sounding components that are in line with your personal tastes… and your personal tastes are likely to change over time as your listening skills and appreciation evolve.

Getting knowledgeable on the subject can be accelerated with study. First I recommend Robert Harley’s book, The Complete Guide to High-End Audio. This addresses listening terminology, components and system building. Subscribe to Stereophile, The Absolute Sound, and HiFi+. Learn to read in between the lines. And listen to as many of the components as you can, reading reviews on them.

There are broad categories of high end sound quality. There is the muscle group (similar to the muscle car lovers), powerful, loud and dynamic (MacIntosh / B&W), there is highly nuanced sound with a huge sound stage and good slam (Boulder / Magico), there is really showy flashy high end sound, holographic (Rowland / Wilson), sparkly showy / brassy ( Luxman / Focal (?) ), and highly musical warm natural sounding (Audio Research, Conrad Johnson / Sonus Faber) systems. I am sure there are many ways to cut this.

One thing I have noticed is that people tend to have systems that reflect their personality. So it doesn’t hurt to look at who you are. So if you own a Corvette then you are probably going to be going to appreciate a powerful sounding system, if your highly analytical, then a very detailed system so every nuance of sound is in your face. If you are pretty laid back (like me) and into realistic musical reproduction then the latter category is like to please you. Also, most folk tend to move toward the latter category over time. I started off in wanting details and slam, then huge images, and finally highly musical (with details and imaging)… with realistic presentation.


One danger to try and avoid is getting, say a really detailed trebly first component (for instance a sound source ((streamer / DAC))), then to adjust for its over sparkly presentation you get a really warm rich component (say preamp)… then to balance them you get a trebly amp with not tremendously detailed speakers. This is a signal path where each subsequent component subtracts more sound quality. It is preferable to have all components voiced similarly. For instance my main system is all Audio Reseach with Sonus Faber… they are all of the same voicing… natural and musical. As I dropper each additional ARC component in I got greater synergy.

I did not think that could be done, but excellent synopsis @ghdprentice . I fall into the musical category as well, so this made a lot of sense to me. 

I'm not the expert that you mention, but I can tell you how I arrived at my current system. As @ghdprentice mentioned, I sought out components that I felt would satisfy my personal tastes.

I first selected my speakers based on prior experience with Von Schweikert.  I liked what I had, but I wanted a better version of them.  I spoke to Von Schweikert and they assured me that the Endeaver RE would be a big step up from my VR-4s.

I next looked for an amp.  As with my speakers, I liked my aging Coda amp, but wanted an improvement.  I consulted Doug Dale with Coda and he recommended the V1 version of the Continuum No 8 as a good pairing with my speakers.

Next came the preamp.  This time, I veered away from c-j and went with a Linear Tube Audio MicroZotl.  I spoke to owners of them and it appeared to have the aspects that I liked from c-j, but an improvement in other areas.

Some of it is luck, but I ended up with a system that I like.  I've tweaked things with different tubes, cables, etc.  

Nothing really scientific about my approach, but I ended up with something that I enjoy.

ghdprentice+1, it is also good to have mentor to teach you as simple as it can be. Listen to his system and ask questions. Robert Harley’s book is very helpful.