Time for a new cartridge

My current cartridge which is a Van Den Hul DDTII Special MC is starting to lose it's zing. Details are not as sharp as they were and overall I think I'd like something fresh. My tt is a VPI Prime with the 10" JMW Memorial tonearm. My phono stage is a Musical Fidelity Nu Vista Vinyl. My amp is a McIntosh MA8950 integrated. My speakers are Sonus Faber Cremona M. I have 2 KEF R400B subs, which I think compliment the Cremona's. I've emailed VDH and they said they would do a re tip and get it back to where it was, but I'm thinking maybe it's time for a different sound. With the info I've provided I'd like some alternatives. My budget is around $2500.


If your Cart's 'ZING' floats your boat.

Then why look elsewhere, it might just need to be reintroduced through a additional attention.

The Cart' can be inspected for suitability for being overhauled.

A Typical Overhaul inclusive of shipping is usually under $500

At 1000 hours of replays as a predicted life before the 'ZING' issue manifests once more, the replays will be approx' $00.50c per hour.

50c a Replay is to myself Bargainsville.

Seems attractive compared to entering the unknown at a replay cost of appro' $3.00 per hour.  

+1 for;

 Vas Nova and you can upgrade the standard to better cantilever and stylus if you desire. Harry from VPI recommends. Also EMT makes phenomenal carts.

Dear @drvynil01  @vynilshadow:

The cartridge was designed at very precise market prce point as the manufacturer entry level model and that's why the Eq. uses op-amps instead of discrete design.You can't ask for more:




vinylshadow you was who posted that link and even that you say:  I have not read about the deviation ..."   go figure  !

