I got a pair of Signature SE two years ago. I originally bought a pair of Classic HD, and after listening to them for awhile always kicked myself for not going for the Signatures instead. However, the factory gave me a very generous trade in on the Classics; the sound characteristics of the two models are the same, but the Signatures just have more. I would guess that it would be the same situation between the Signatures and the Focus. I would have gone with the Focus, but they're a bit larger and the WAF factor sort of kicked in. Plus, the sealed design of the Signatures makes for more flexibility in placement. I'll second everything audiotroy said in above post. My hot button is soundstage and imaging, and these really shine in that characteristic. Also, great detail, and very non fatigueing. I listen to a lot of classical (along with blues, rock, and jazz) and the separation and placement of instruments in a symphony orchestra is incredible. Smaller ensembles, like string quartets, sound very warm and natural. Same with vocals. I'm driving them with a pair of PS Audio M700 monoblocks.