No doubt Internet stations can apply a variety of processing as desired.
Loudness levels vary with IR stations but I find a significant # that normalize their material at a higher level than many or most CDs.
NAtive CDs can ahave a range of average loudness levels with older masters in general having much lower net volumes than newer recordings. Some servers like Windows Media Player provide some ability to match levels during playback to some extent.
Most IR stations match levels as well in that it is not conducive to have various material playing at significantly varying overall levels. Many match at higher levels overall.
Loudness levels vary with IR stations but I find a significant # that normalize their material at a higher level than many or most CDs.
NAtive CDs can ahave a range of average loudness levels with older masters in general having much lower net volumes than newer recordings. Some servers like Windows Media Player provide some ability to match levels during playback to some extent.
Most IR stations match levels as well in that it is not conducive to have various material playing at significantly varying overall levels. Many match at higher levels overall.