I forgot one, and I even queried Raysonic about its suitability for use in my 128 (they said yes) since it has slightly different characteristics from others in the 6922/6DJ8 family.
It's the Russian 6N1P, often sold as the even longer-lived 6N1P-EV, available NOS on Ebay from Eastern European sellers on an absolutely dirt-cheap basis. As in, 10 for $16 including shipping from Ukraine. At least that's what I paid, and mine arrived a bunch faster than I can get something from, say, Canada. They're well worth a try. Dave
It's the Russian 6N1P, often sold as the even longer-lived 6N1P-EV, available NOS on Ebay from Eastern European sellers on an absolutely dirt-cheap basis. As in, 10 for $16 including shipping from Ukraine. At least that's what I paid, and mine arrived a bunch faster than I can get something from, say, Canada. They're well worth a try. Dave