Suggestions for phono preamp for LOMC's

I am looking for a phono preamp that will work with LOMC cartridges.   Budget up to $2500 but would be quite happy spending significantly less.  I have about $10k invested in my table/arm so any appropriate suggestions would be appreciated.   New or used would be fine.


Phono stage might be more important than TT/arm.

If I had $10k in TT/Arm I would be looking at something like an Allnic H5500  or Sutherland Duo minimum.

I would consider a $2500 phono stage a bottleneck.

Check out he recent thread on SUTs. There you will find mention of good high gain phono stages that are compatible with LOMC cartridges. Also I suggest you read up on “gain”, the meaning of db, etc, so you can calculate how much gain is enough for a given cartridge. That quantity also depends upon linestage gain, amplifier input sensitivity, and speaker efficiency. 

The TZ Vibe is a current driven device. Such devices work best with LOMC cartridges that also have a very low internal resistance, usually less than 10 ohms. So before you purchase a current driven phono (there are others besides the Vibe) be sure you want to limit yourself to compatible LOMC cartridges.

Nothing wrong with a gold note consideration. Can always upgrade it with separate PS. Lots of options also on the fly. 

I use a PS Audio Stellar phone pre with an Ortofon Quintet Black cartridge on a Technics SL-1200G TT.  I’m quite happy with that combination.  I may upgrade to a better cartridge, but I have no intention of changing my phono pre or TT.

PS Audio has a very good 30 day return policy. The Music Room has used ones for $1,899.