are there any fans of the Oppo BDP-95 out there? (vs. Oppo 105D).

I bought one used.  I swear,  it sounds better than my newer Oppo BDP 105D player. Quite the bargain! 



I think they changed to ESS Sabre DAC in the 103/105.  I prefer my 105 to the ninety series, but ymmv


Yes- the BDP-95 uses two ES9018 DACs. While, the BDP-105D employs two ESS Sabre 32 DACs.


I was never impressed by a stock 105D fro Audio playback. Modding this player makes it better.

Happy Listening!

I remember the 95 being a little smoother with less detail. The 105 series digs deeper which tilts it towards a little clinical at times. So just depends on your system and preferences. They are both good for the price if you can find one in good shape these days. 

Thanks for your input.  I second your opinion that the 95 is smoother, more forgiving. More tube like.

The only issue is the fan noise, but that's not a major problem.

I've heard that dacs on the BDP-205 are excellent too,  But they are very pricey even on eBay.. Haven't heard one yet.