Anyone using a Blu-Ray player as a transport?

I thinking of getting a Blu-Ray player and using it as a transport. I think that the upsampling aspect of the player will be very good on redbook Cd's. Is this assumption correct?
Sidssp is correct.

Of the five or so DACs I've owned, I preferred the non-oversampling DACs because they sounded fuller, more natural and conveyed a larger sense of scale than the over-samplers. While upsampling resulted in more audible detail they sounded phoney to me. All except the tube DAC. Mind you, these were not expensive DACs either, and you may come away with an entirely different viewpoint.

In my line of work, it's kind of like a Photoshop file where someone went bonkers with the unsharpen mask. There's more detail, but it doesn't necessarily make for a better image.
Why do you want use a Bluray player simply as a CD transport? Makes no sense. Especially since you supposedly have a $12500 dedicated Wadia transport driving a $32K Boulder DAC? Please enlighten us.
I could easily be wrong about this, but I am not aware of any Blu-Ray players that will provide upsampled data at their digital audio outputs.

They typically do have downsampling capability, to provide compatibility with dacs that cannot handle 96 or 192kHz sample rates.

-- Al
Cmalak, I am under the impression that the Blu-Ray will
upsample to essentially SACD with Redbook CD's and that it will provide upsampled data at the digital audio outputs. I could be wrong on this, hense the questions. Also I am under the impression that the Blu-Ray drive is able to read the data at a quicker rate than my Wadia. Again, not sure if this is correct but one of my audio friends is of the impression that a DVD drive operates at a higher read rate than his CD dedicated transport and that a Blu-Ray will operate at a higher rate still.
I am contemplating adding the Blu-Ray player as a front end to my Boulder to replace the Wadia.
However, I'm not sure if this would be a downgrade or not.