Herb’s latest and recent reporting on an actively configured vintage horn/tube setup, a rarity (i.e.: active) with this kind of setup, where he goes:
A couple of minutes into the first demo disc, I started bouncing on the couch raving about the boogie-PRaT factor. [...]
Notice the inclusion of the more layman’s term "boogie-factor" as a variation of PRaT, the latter of which seems to have been described around here as a somewhat over-complicated and esoteric attainment to come by through years of audiophile cultivation and final revelation(?). I can only assume that for those it’s a rare (and late) trait to have experienced, not because it’s the Sasquatch of audio qualities but simply due to setup choices that didn’t bring out the boogie-factor (sorry, PRaT) in a prevalent fashion. Oh, I can imagine seeing PRaT entering what has otherwise been a stale audio serving through years being something of revelation when it adds up to the other qualities that has been meticulously harnessed over time, but making it a matter of an "enlightened progression" over decades is just going off the rails in my book.
Maybe to some it’s the other way ’round; they attained PRaT long ago and earlier in their audiophile journey, and only later added the perhaps more conventional audiophile traits of imaging, resolution, airiness, balance of presentation, etc. As is I can definitely attest to the importance of boogie-factor/PRaT as a vital sonic ingredient, on top of many other things.