@bdp24 Roger was a smart guy. 100 Hz is right. The only problem was he only had analog filters to use and 24 dB/oct or 4th order was the steepest he could go without penalty but it is too slow and you will get subwoofer coming through in the midrange. At 100 Hz the slowest filter you can use is 8th order or 48 dB/oct and you can only do that cleanly in the digital realm. I have been using dipole speakers of one sort or another exclusively since 1978. I have been using subwoofers since 1978 and not able to find a satisfactory commercial subwoofer I started building my own somewhere around 1990. You might want to look at the link below. Just so we get this straight. Dipole subwoofers will make bass, real crappy bass. The problem for most people is that bass is difficult to evaluate especially by ear because a lot of it you do not hear, you feel it. After decades of measuring subwoofers I know what low bass should sound and feel like. You would too if you had been studying the problem for 30 some odd years.
@richardbrand First of all what you are talking about is not a dipole, but a bipole and in that regard you are speaking to the choir. You might take a look here https://imgur.com/gallery/building-resonance-free-subwoofers-dOTF3cS I happen to think the KEF Blade is a fine sounding loudspeaker, just odd looking.
@lewm The problem with stacking 57s is an 8 foot Sound Labs. You get a full range line source that is indestructible with a much better dispersion pattern. If I were operating on a shoe string I would look for a pair of used Acoustat 2+2s or even better 3+3s.
@rauliruegas I was wondering when you were going to turn up. I think inferior is a little too strong, but of all the cartridges that were available I'm sure there were better. Before MC my last high output cartridges were B+Os before that were Stantons and Pickerings. I'd have to go way back to trip over a V15. Call it nostalgia or just the desire to fart around. Back then my system was not remotely near what it is today. So, it is fun to hear what we were listening to back then. Now, What cartridge is mounted in your turntable at this moment??