Retirement System Finally Completed: Impression of the Mola Mola Tambaqui

I have made the last upgrade to my system for enjoyment in retirement.  The Wyred4Sound 10th Anniversary DAC that has provided much musical enjoyment for almost 7 years was replaced with a Mola Mola Tambaqui (MMT).  While I find the 10th to be the best DAC at its price point, 3x the spend provides greater performance across the board.  I auditioned Mola Mola competitors from DCS and Bricasti but chose the MMT.  The decision to go with the MMT was based on the its ability to produce accurate timbre and organic/dense images with state of the art detail that is neither etched nor fatiguing.  The DCS was as detailed but with a more laidback presentation and less dynamic.  Also I personally found the MMT more true to timbre where the DCS had a colder presentation.  The Bricasti was a close second to the MMT IMHO.  The bass performance, organic/dense images and dynamics of the MMT made favor it.  To clarify, all three are phenomenal, differences minor, and choice should be based on personal preference.  I also chose the MMT based on my preference in SQ and system matching. The Burmester 032 IA and Vivid Giya G3s Speakers are consistent with the system design intent and the components complement each other in this regard.   To me, the sound is tube like liquid and sweet but with solid state transient speed, micro/macro dynamics, and clarity.  Aficionados of old school tube sound and ladder DACs may not like this system, but that is the beauty of our hobby - each of us can determine our preferences and build systems to our liking.  There will be no further changes now that I am on fixed income and I dare not propose any or the wife acceptance factor will go into the red danger zone.  Shout out to GTT audio and Bill for his patients and knowledge in working with me to get the MMT.  I will enjoy the system always with a good bourbon or cognac in hand for as many years as He permits.  Thanks to all the members of this forum who have educated me over the years to be able to establish my final system for retirement.  Pics updated in my profile.  


Congratulations on retirement! Life is just beginning and enjoy your system. You earned this. I certainly don't mind coming over and listening to your beautiful system and enjoying some Barter House ORPHaN BARREL Kentucky Bourbon. laugh

@audiotroy if you think krell is equal or better than Burmester, well to each there own but come on, apples and oranges

Retirement is coming up.   I’m pretty well set hifi-wise.  But why let that stop you?   One of the appeals of retirement for me is more time and freedom to explore new horizons.  You can only sit on your laurels for so long.  

Happy retirements and wishes for good health to all!  🖖🙏

Hey @jsalerno277 , congrats again!

I actually liked the sound of Conductor with Tambaqui the best vs Roon.  But I also really like roon... You have a great system!  Ken

I can never understand this fear men have of their wives over their hobby. You share a life, share interests and yet something that makes 1/2 of the relationship happy is at odds with the wife.  There should be a greater understanding that you each have interests and encourage each other to enjoy their passions. 

I am more fortunate than I ever thought. I have a relationship where I am not threatened by an unhappy wife if I buy something. I have an audio system, a home theater, an CVO Street Glide and more toys that likely total as much as some people’s houses. She has her hobbies and passions. Having our own passions has kept our marriage as a great friendship instead a battle of the sexes. 

Retirement has been wonderful as I have hobbies. Music, audio, movies, woodworking, photography, motorcycling and flying. If not for a great partner and hobbies, you might as well sit in your easy chair and wait for the inevitable outcome.

I hope you enjoy retirement. Don’t kid yourself, you’re not done changing your system. It’s a passion and change is the renewal of that passion.