???What's The LEAST Expensive "End Game"Amplifier You've Ever Heard???

Pretty simple question..
While I’m sure the "No Such Thing" crowd will make sure they represent,I’m not interested in their rhetoric..
I am however,most interested to hear from those who have heard integrated amplifiers they could get off the merry go round with,ESPECIALLY if it was on the more budget end of cost..For myself it would have to be the Sugden A21SE but that was 2 years ago,before the cost climbed to $4000.00......
Thanks for participating..


As far Integrated goes, I was very impressed by Margules I-240 when I heard the demo at AXPONA 2024. Class A - 25wpc, with some NOS 12AU7 tubes, it has a potential of very nice intimate sound; worthy consideration for any midsize room.

Yamaha A-S2100. Noise floor and resolution exceeds the ability of many separates systems, produces best bass extension I’ve experienced from ANY amp, and has enough power/current to drive most speakers. It manages the sonic strengths of tubes better than many tube amps.

Doesn’t have the brand cachet of Luxman or Accuphase but I would put my bets on it against those and similar brands all day. 

I bought a used Yamaha CA-800 in Japan last year for $300 US. From what I’ve read it seems to be a tough one to knock off any block. While I lust after some $10000 options I don’t think they’d ever sound better given my small room set up. 

Plinius, Hautonga for newer gear but, I could seriously call it quits with a vintage Sansui, AU-9500. It does everything right.