Qualio IQ owners, still happy?

I'd like to hear from current or former owners of these speakers. Also anyone who has had an audition of them. What do you think? These are on my radar.




@ozzy62 I enjoy them a lot. Everyone who listens to them is blown away- including me. As I said earlier, I prefer it for vocals. Love the Axxess L3s also. Completely different sound signature between the two. The IQs, I think a lack a little in bass and when I feel so, then I switch to the L3.

I did get the Rethm's for a few days. Didn't have space in the house so let them go yesterday.

Also on IQs the wife loves it- the looks. Which is saying something. 

Finally got my review pair in last week. So far regarding build quality, and more importantly performance, this is a very musical speaker that does everything right with no major flaws at all. I also think they are very reasonable priced for what they can compete with. Ultimately, they will get a very positive review in the near future when I write.



Was your review IQ already broken in and if not, what are your observations on time needed to burn-in crossovers and exercising those Satori drivers?


Wig 😊