"New" model VPI?

Anyone had an advanced listen  or have one of these?

Perhaps fans that live in driving distance to them have seen/heard it?

VPI's new turntable has a modular design for easy upgradeability | What Hi-Fi?

Plenty of competition in price point.

Arm?  Suspension? From just looking at pics-meh...not in a negative way. Just nothing groundbreaking or unique?

Thoughts on it for a "base" with an aftermarket arm?

Looks typical "VPI"  again, not in a bad way.

Satisfied longtime Classic user. Doubtful I'll stay with brand, come upgrade time unless something REALLY catches my attention.

The Classic will become my frankentweak when the time comes.



@chadsort: And it doesn't have any form of isolation, unlike their original HW-19 with it's spring suspension.


It does have isolation in 2 forms, VPI's special isolating feet and a suspended sub chassis.

3-Point Floating Suspension (3D Isolation)

The Model One introduces a new 3-Point Floating Suspension system designed for superior isolation from external vibrations. This advanced 3D isolation system stabilizes the turntable, minimizes motor noise, and reduces both external and internal vibrations. Key highlights include:

  • Isolated suspension using high-tech polymer, fully adjustable for leveling.
  • Enhances sound quality by maintaining stability and isolating the platter and tonearm from any motor noise interference.
  • Easy to replace both Motor and Platter Module and Tonearm Module.

A formal website/magazine review is probably still months away, but so far, the press releases suggest no amazing/unique features.

I'll be looking forward to a Stereophile/AS review.