@chadsort: And it doesn't have any form of isolation, unlike their original HW-19 with it's spring suspension.
"New" model VPI?
Anyone had an advanced listen or have one of these?
Perhaps fans that live in driving distance to them have seen/heard it?
VPI's new turntable has a modular design for easy upgradeability | What Hi-Fi?
Plenty of competition in price point.
Arm? Suspension? From just looking at pics-meh...not in a negative way. Just nothing groundbreaking or unique?
Thoughts on it for a "base" with an aftermarket arm?
Looks typical "VPI" again, not in a bad way.
Satisfied longtime Classic user. Doubtful I'll stay with brand, come upgrade time unless something REALLY catches my attention.
The Classic will become my frankentweak when the time comes.