An audio component you just can't let go

What is a component you just can't seem to let go or sell even after you've already upgraded and not really using it anymore. What makes this component so special?


Maybe I should stop hanging on to the past and just let go.

Dual 1019 changer -- it seemed a marvel of design and fabrication for its time.

Magnum Dynalab Etude FT101a tuner -- 3 meters and a digital display, sexy!

Nakamichi Dragon cassette deck -- it was the ultimate in its format.

Acoustic Research Amp -- its charming simplicity is still fashionably elegant.

Pass Labs Aleph 3 -- my little porcupine still sings beautifully.

And not to overlook, a pair of Thiel CS3.6 speakers -- still sound great in my library.

You know, no. 

Each step I have made forward (since a few mis-steps very early on) have been substantially enough to immediately dissolve attachment. The only thing I have kept is my Marantz 2040 integrated that I bought irresponsibly in college in 1972. Not for the sound… that is for sure. 

I still have my Adcom GFA555 amp that I bought new many years ago. I'm actually using it in bridged mono to drive my center channel speaker.  Also has some B&W DM302 bookshelf speakers that I wouldn't sell. They are sitting in their original boxes. My Von Schweikert VR-4s are sitting unused, but I'm saving them for my son. He has no room for them now. 

I used to have a pair of five sided dbx speakers. They had tweeters on 3 sides. Real walnut veneer.  Probably not amazing sq, but very cool. I wish I still had them.